Tuesday 17 September 2013

GCSE Narrative title page

So this years theme is narrative, at first I was a bit confused about how to link narrative with art but then I realised the narrative is your story and story's, music nearly everything really. Here's my title page 👇

I tried to get a lot of colour into it and I think I succeeded in doing so. Here I have added my favourite book ( the fault in our stars) and when you open it, it has a quote from the book, I've also done that with the v on narrative, it's the book 'The Princess and the Pea' which is a fairytale. 

I've also added characters from comic strips these are Charlie Brown and Snoopy and also Garfield (a favourite film of mine when I was younger) obviously I haven't really seen these comic strips because they were around before I was born or I've never really heard of them before they were on tv or a film 
YouTube, Facebook and twitter have been added to this not only because I like the but because they are a social narrative. A bar of dairy milk, mascara and the beyoncé as these are all narrative to me and things that I like 

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